5 Chest Exercises You Should Be Doing

what's up guys it's Mike this near today's video I'm gonna take you through my favorite chest exercises I was gonna do top 5 but I decided to add one more to the list now these exercises should give you a full rounded thick sexy chest okay but I would bear in mind when picking your exercises you have to decide for yourself what area of your chest you want to work upon okay there's no point going to the gym do loads of low heck focus exercises if you try to target upper chest cases common sense right so without further ado I'm gonna start off first exercise with my choice which would be the barbell bench press so first thing you want to do when it comes to the barbell bench press is to get yourself in the right position as soon as the barbell is a buggy chest pull your shoulders right back and then begin with the movement you want to make sure that you keep your shoulders retracted throughout the entire set so even if need to readjust halfway through at the top of each rep just do it because if you put your shoulders too far forward it's gonna be too much tense on your shoulders and then your more unlikely injure yourself or cause damage somewhere remember the goal of this exercise is to keep the tension on the chest as much as possible so a little tip for you what I tend to do is imagine that I'm trying to push my hands together when I'm pulling the weight down and pressing forward so the intention of pushing my hands together increases tension on my chest it's worth knowing that hand positioning will make a difference but I would vary it from time to time the closer your hands are together the more tricep recruitment that is good the next exercise which is on the top the list is the incline dumbbell press I've chosen this one over the incline barbell press simply because I feel as though a about a contraction on my chest and it allows you to get a greater range of motion so keys with this when it comes to doing the incline press you want to vary the angle at which you're pressing keeping the angle the same you know the entire time that you do it incline press is only gonna work the same fibers over and over again so vary it from time to time all the way from 45 degrees down to 20 degrees it doesn't matter just mix it up again with all chest exercises you want to keep your shoulders back as much as possible and I think this exercise is where most people will feel their shoulders creeping forward simply because of the angle of your torso it's very easy to do so just got to keep the weight lighter than you probably would do usually and ensure that the tension has been placed on the chest if you can't squeeze your chest at the top of the movement and you don't feel any tension there you're not doing it properly or not doing it as well as you could do so drop the weight drop the ego and maximize the effectiveness of this exercise I always try to imagine when the weight at the bottom of position as I press up I'm trying to bring my elbows together and trying to get my elbows to touch it's that intention of bringing my elbows together which helps me to get that contraction at the top of the movement so the next exercise we move onto is the inclined cable fly now I've chosen this one for a number of reasons but the main reason is because at the top of the movement due to the direction of which the cables are pulling your hands away you are able to maintain tension at the top of the movement and you can squeeze your pecs so if you compare it to the dumbbell fly when the dumbbells are directly above you because gravity is pulling down straight through your arms it's very hard to you know get that squeeze get that contraction most people simply relax at this point but because they're cables are pulling your hands apart you're never really relaxing or you shouldn't be relaxing the same goes for you know all chest exercises keep your shoulders back as much as possible squeeze a contraction at top of the movement and I would recommend varying the angle of that inclined from time to time just to retrieve different fibers I feel as though this one is quite effective at hitting the upper chest as well so if that's your weak area I'll bear that in mind and again when it comes to thinking this one through I have the intention of trying to bring my elbows together the movement so as I bring the weight down it's okay for your elbows to bend a little bit to ease with the stress on your shoulders but as you bring those handles back up to the top you want to try and straighten your arms and bring those elbows together that's when it comes to training your chest you need to decide yourself how many times are you going to train it if it's a strong point like this for me there's no need for me to train it more than once per week it just simply isn't necessary I don't even need to go to the gym and spend one full session training chest either it's a waste of my time what I could be potentially training another body part within that s
ession okay so if it is a weak part you need to somehow fit it into your training regime where you're training it twice per week or maybe twice every ten days something like that the next exercise I have picked is the decline dumbbell press I've gone for dumbbell simply because you get a greater range of motion I feel as though I get a better contraction with it and it's more effective for me personally start to say that decline barbell press isn't effective but it's just a personal preference I will mix up from time to time but this one I feel trumps the barbell again I feel as though it's good because of the angle of your torso it's much easier to keep your shoulders back it's harder to push your shoulders forward when the angle of your torso is on a decline I feel as though this one is also extremely effective at getting the outer lower sweep of the chest so as you can see from the exercises I've chosen so far all the pressing movements are covering all angles of the torso you got decline all the way from flat all the way to incline and if you want a full 3d thick chest you want to be hitting all these different exercises next one I would go for is the standing cable fly again I feel this one's really effective and it's one I see many people do wrong because we're either lifting too heavy or just allow the shoulders to creep forward and they just don't get as much contraction and tension place on the chest as they should the shoulders are doing all the work particularly the front duck so keep upright keep your posture steady don't allow the shoulders to creep forward so reduce the weight if you need to again with the cable fight which you saw earlier I have the intention of trying to bring my elbows together at the bottom of the movement this is the function of the PEC to bring your elbow across the body so you want to get that elbow across your body as much as possible to shorten the PEC don't try and keep the elbows bent and just bring your hands together because you're not doing it as well as you could be if you haven't already seen it I've done a full video on the common mistakes people make when training chest so click on this link and you'll see me go through a full description and tutorial or how to inform the majority of the chest exercises which people tend to mess up on so guys those are my top exercises when it comes to training chest there's a few exercises which I missed out for me personally I don't find the incline or decline barbell press as effective as incline and decline dumbbell pressing I just feel as though the range of motion which I can get along the contractions much more effective when using dumbbells and when it comes to using the PEC deck machine I just don't feel that places enough tension upon the chest I feel as though every time you type that machine is hitting my anterior delts so that's me personally you will probably have exercises which you struggle with sometimes by just have to practice a little bit more of them sometimes have to know the weight or sometimes you know you just might be better off avoiding it okay each to the room that's what going to say a couple of exercises which didn't make the cut include the chest focus leaning dip and also the seated upright cable press these are both very good exercises but just didn't quite make my top 5 but still worth doing nevertheless so I hope you enjoyed this video hope LP I hope you reach those chest calls of yours and I'll have more videos to come particularly which exercises are gonna target your upper chest more so and maybe some routines which is gonna target different areas in the chest I think that's something that would like you just said yes stay tuned and check it out thanks for watching.



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