Top 10 Muscle Building Tips for BEGINNERS

it's no secret that it takes time to build muscle but what if you can do it faster by working smarter rather than harder well that's exactly what I want to go over today the ten biggest and best muscle building tips for beginners and naturals and you might be thinking well who the heck are you to be giving me advice and tips on building muscle and that's a very fair question after all I spend most of the time on this channel talking about fat loss but my experience in Fitness is firmly rooted in natural bodybuilding I took myself from being a chubby teenager with hardly any muscle at all to a 230 pound fitness model and I did it all naturally so if you want to learn how to build muscle using steroids that are probably way better sources out there but if you want to learn how to do it naturally give this artile a chance because I spent over 10 years focusing on finding the fastest ways to build muscle and in the process of opening three gyms I also prepped a lot of men and women for natural bodybuilding and bikini competitions so today I want to give you all my most guarded muscle building secrets for free I'm also gonna do my best to make all these tips unique so it's not going to be the same old stuff that you've heard over and over again like simply telling you to eat more protein with that said let's start with a very first tip which is to incorporate periodic when done correctly this is one of the most powerful things you can do to improve your muscular strength and size consistently in a nutshell periodic breakdown of your training plan over the course of time and it will include micro meso and macro cycles which will essentially break down your training plan into weeks months and years but instead of explaining to you every possible way that you could incorporate different cycles of period I'd rather give you guys a simple actionable plan to consistently make progress using the exact periodic strategy that helped me the absolute most you're going to start by finding out what maximal weight load you can lift for each of your compound exercises for roughly nine to ten reps this means that if you select the weight load that you could do for 11 reps you should up that weight load and the same thing goes vice-versa if you select the weight that's too heavy and you can only do it for set reps then drop the weight you're gonna stick to this rep range for two to three weeks straight and you're gonna try to increase the weight that you're using over the course of these two to three weeks again staying within that nine to ten rep range the whole time after those two to three weeks are over you're gonna switch over to a rep range of roughly five to seven reps again find the maximum weight you could do for that rep range which should obviously be higher in weight than what you were doing for the nine to ten reps now you're gonna stick to this new rep range for another two to three weeks once again you're gonna be trying the whole time to up the weight whenever you can as long as you can stay within that five to seven rep range finally after you're done with those weeks you're gonna do a rep range of three reps for all those compound exercises again for two to three weeks before switching back to the original nine to ten rep range when you come back to the nine to ten rep range you'll notice that you're gonna be significantly stronger and you'll be able to lift more weight and you just continuously work through these cycles every time you come back to an old rep range that you did before you want to try to increase your weight load even if it's by 2.5 pounds this method help me break through some of my biggest plateaus that I've experienced with building muscle literally do exactly that and I promise you you won't be disappointed with your results let's move on to the second tip increase meal frequency now I know this goes against my typical advice that I give her fat loss for fat loss meal frequency doesn't matter that much but building muscle requires a lot of calories especially if you're struggling with building muscle you're going to need to eat a lot of food the only way that you're going to be able to eat enough throughout the entire day is by eating more often as you build more muscle the only way you're going to be able to continue building muscle is by continuing to up the amount of clean food that you're consuming throughout the day when I was at my biggest at 230 pounds I was eating eight to nine times a day waking up in the middle of the night to have an additional protein shake to keep my body in a constant muscle building mode when you first start bulking up you don't have to start with eight to nine meals a day you could probably start with four or five meals a day but as your muscles grow your diet will have to as well so I need you to get used to being uncomfortable with the amount of food that you have to eat and I want you to get used to the feeling of being really full just like feeling hungry 
when you're cutting it's a necessary sacrifice that you have to make to hit your goals I know right now intermittent fasting is very popular and I'm actually a big fan of intermittent fasting but I don't recommend intermittent fasting if you seriously want to build as much muscle as fast as possible because it's only gonna make it harder to eat the amount of calories required per debt let's move on to tip number three which is to increase your carb consumption this is a very important piece of advice that most guys are not following most beginners are obsessed with protein consumption which leads them to completely ignore the other essential macronutrients of course protein is important but 3 to 6 ounces of a protein source per meal should be enough carbs you're gonna want to increase higher especially if you're a hardgainer and when I say increase your carb consumption I don't mean eat more sweets I'm talking about only eating low glycemic healthy sources of carbohydrates like brown rice sweet potatoes yams buckwheat barley you get the idea there are two reasons why you want to increase your carb consumption the number one reason is because carbs are very insulin a genic and when you're trying to build muscle as opposed to burning fat you actually want to increase your insulin levels even though insulin will transfer energy into your fat cells it is also the hormone that transfers energy and nutrients into your muscle cells this ultimately spares muscle breakdown and it helps your muscles grow the second reason why you want to have more carbs in your diet is because you'll constantly be refilling the glycogen stores in your muscles allowing you to lift more weight and have more intense workouts at the gym carbs will help give you that push that you need to consistently make progress with your total training volume as easy as it might sound to simply eat more carbs when you're having the types of carbs that I just laid out for you multiple times a day you'll find that it's definitely not easy but it's worth it because those carbs will allow you to have more intense workouts brings us right into our next tip if you're a natural trying to build more muscle it's critical for you to focus on increasing intensity over time the best way to increase intensity is by progressively lifting heavier and heavier weights you have to focus on incrementally increasing the amount of weight that you put on the bar or on dumbbells this is why the first tip that I started with was periodically what to do to consistently increase your strength and your muscle size but even if you don't follow that exact method you have to prioritize increasing the intensity by increasing the weight load use over time for every one of your workouts when you make lifting heavier and heavier weights over time a priority you're setting up one of the best situations to build more muscle as a natural the next tip is to increase training frequency this means that you want to increase the amount of days per week that you're actually hitting the same muscle group or the same muscle groups of course you want at least 48 hours of rest before hitting the same muscle group again and some people need even more time for full recovery however you'll be able to double your volume by working your chest for example twice a week instead of just once a week an easier way to understand this is if you normally if you're normally doing chest days and you're getting in twelve sets by doing it twice a week you're gonna be able to do 24 sets a week instead of just the twelve sets you would get by just doing it once a week more overall work or volume throughout the week will lead to more overall results for Naturals try hitting each of your muscle groups at least twice a week to accomplish this you would want to do this in a split training style and this is actually my next tip for muscle building purposes to Strictly gain size you're going to be better off with a split training routine rather than a full body routine great split training routines include combining chest shoulders and triceps then on a separate day you could do back and biceps and then on a separate day you would do legs also you can do opposing muscle groups like you could split it up where you would do chest and back one day then legs the next day and then arms which would include shoulders biceps and triceps on a separate day then if you're trying to do this twice a week you would just repeat going back to that very first day split training is going to work better because you have more of an opportunity to focus in on one muscle group or on the muscle groups that you're trying to break down and completely break them down and this is exactly why you're gonna want to follow this next tip which is to go right to the borderline of failure with every single set ideally if you're working out very often you don't want to fail on every one of your exercises but on key compound lifts the lifts that you're trying to get your strength up in you want to spend at least a couple sets hitting failure failure is not the point where it's getting too difficult and starting to burn so you just rack the bar that is not failure failure is right before you literally can't lift the bar up anymore and the bar is one rep away from coming down and crashing down on you obviously do this safely especially if you go to full-out actual failure you will want a spotter moving on we have our eighth tip which is to incorporate training styles like super sets and drop sets a superset is when you do two exercises back to back with no break and for muscle building purposes you'll typically want to focus on the same muscle group for both of the exercises that you select for example if you're super setting for chest you might do a bench press and then immediately follow that up with a chest fly on the cable cross machine with drop sets you start with your heaviest weight and after being right at the point of failure you wrap the weight drop a little bit of weight off the bar and continue four more reps you could repeat this process of bringing yourself to failure and dropping the weight down multiple times to fully exhaust the muscles that you're working on tip number nine is to stick to mostly compound exercises involving free weights or if you must use a machine that has a free range of motion you don't want the majority of your workout to be made up of the selector Iser equipment because all those machines are locked into a range of motion you won't get the kind of results you can get from using barbells dumbbells and just free range equipment if you're using selector eyes or machinery of course you can throw in a little bit of selector Iser equipment but mostly just as a finisher towards the end of your workout after you've already broken down your muscles quite a bit let me repeat that if you want the best results in terms of building muscle then spend the majority of your strength and energy focusing on compound heavy lifts with barbells and dumbbells the last tip is in the realm of supplementation you will not need most of the supplements that are advertised for gaining muscle the only supplements that you're really gonna want are gonna be a protein powder to take after your workouts a good pre-workout made up of natural ingredients and creatine those are the only supplements that you'll really need for building muscle you can also get dextrose which is just a pure form of sugar and you could use it along with your protein shake after your workouts in order to spike your insulin levels to get more nutrients and amino acids and glycogen into your muscles since you're looking to put on muscle and you're gonna be eating in a calorie surplus you don't need things like B C double A's and l-glutamine you'll just need things like protein creatine and pre-workout definitely stay away from all those weight gain bulking powders you can make your own by starting with whey protein and then adding coconut oil oats whole milk or almond milk and dextrose that's it guys I really hope this video has helped you out if you enjoyed it make sure you subscribe to my channel and also if you're looking for a little more guidance on how to build muscle faster with the proper program check out my six week challenge that I'm running right now that includes a workout plan and a diet plan and an accountability coach to guide you through the entire program besides building muscle most beginners also have some excess body fat that they struggle with getting rid of and the great thing about this program is that on average people are losing either 20 pounds or 5% of their body fat in just six weeks so if you'd like to build some muscle and burn some fat in the next 42 days and you stay really committed for a limited time you can have the entire program for free to find out more click the link below or you can visit my website directly at gravity transformation comm see you guys soon


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