
Top 10 Muscle Building Tips for BEGINNERS

it's no secret that it takes time to build muscle but what if you can do it faster by working smarter rather than harder well that's exactly what I want to go over today the ten biggest and best muscle building tips for beginners and naturals and you might be thinking well who the heck are you to be giving me advice and tips on building muscle and that's a very fair question after all I spend most of the time on this channel talking about fat loss but my experience in Fitness is firmly rooted in natural bodybuilding I took myself from being a chubby teenager with hardly any muscle at all to a 230 pound fitness model and I did it all naturally so if you want to learn how to build muscle using steroids that are probably way better sources out there but if you want to learn how to do it naturally give this artile a chance because I spent over 10 years focusing on finding the fastest ways to build muscle and in the process of opening three gyms I also prepped a lot of men and w...

Mental Health Wellness Tips

  - [Jon] Hi, I'm Jon, I'm 37 and for most of my adult life, I've struggled with mental illness. The medication I take helps most of the time. But sometimes when I'm stressed or overworked, my symptoms creep up on me and I have to work really hard to get them under control again. But over the years, I've learned a few strategies that have helped me deal with my symptoms before they become a big problem. These tips have really helped me stay healthy and positive. First, I try to focus on the positive things in my life. I think about the family, friends, and treatment team members supporting me in my recovery journey. I know they are there to help me find solutions. If I come up with solutions instead of just focusing on the negatives, I find I feel much better. And each day, I deliberately take time to appreciate and recognize everything I am thankful for. I'll write in my journal, send my friends thank you cards, or help others. When I focus on all the good stuf...

Physical, Mental, And Overall Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise - How Exercise Improves Health

in this article we're going to look at some of the major benefits both physical and mental that an exercise program can bring to your life let's start with the physical benefit number one cardiovascular and respiratory improvement over time you end up strengthening the cardiac muscle that surrounds your heart you also pump a greater volume of blood with each stroke which causes a decrease in resting heart rate you do a lot more red blood cells which improves your ability to bring oxygen to your muscles and your lungs become stronger and better at supplying your body with the oxygen it needs number two reduction in health risk factors regular exercise can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease developing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome research also shows that active people have a lower risk of colon and breast cancer and regular exercise can also increase your chances of living longer number three increased metabolic rate metabolic rate is the rate at which your body...

How To Be Healthy - Health Tips Motivational Article

Health is just like wealth. Unltill we loose it, we don't understand it's real value. When there are some major issues going on related to our health, only then we say "No! Now I have to take care of my health". If we take care before we get ill, then we don't have to face the pain of diseases. The time and energy you spend daily on your mobile phone, if you invest only that amount of time and energy on your health, then you have no idea how much your life can be improved. So, in this week's artic I will share with you 5 simple and easy to implement tips which are much more effective. So, let's get started - Smart idea 1: Sleep on your left side This picture clearly demonstrate that why we should always sleep on our left side. According to the structure of our stomach, if we sleep on our right side then the stomach acids can cause a lot of problems in our health. Like improper digestion, problem in blood flow, heart burn. On the other hand if we sleep on o...

3 Steps To Lose Chest Fat FAST

having excess chest fat can make you feel very uncomfortable as a man especially when you take your shirt off around other people a lot of men will quickly assume that if they have a lot of chest fat they probably have a condition known as gynecomastia and gynecomastia is a term used to describe the growth of a man's breast tissue which is typically caused by a hormonal imbalance such as having very high estrogen levels and very low testosterone levels however gyno is usually not the actual cause of the excess chest fat or man boobs instead if you're a man struggling with chest fat you most likely have something known as pseudo gynecomastia which is simply increased fat deposits around your chest and most likely you also have some excess body fat in other areas as well since everybody has different genes our bodies will preferentially store fat in different places while women will usually store more fat around their hips and their thighs men usually store it around their chest ...

5 Chest Exercises You Should Be Doing

what's up guys it's Mike this near today's video I'm gonna take you through my favorite chest exercises I was gonna do top 5 but I decided to add one more to the list now these exercises should give you a full rounded thick sexy chest okay but I would bear in mind when picking your exercises you have to decide for yourself what area of your chest you want to work upon okay there's no point going to the gym do loads of low heck focus exercises if you try to target upper chest cases common sense right so without further ado I'm gonna start off first exercise with my choice which would be the barbell bench press so first thing you want to do when it comes to the barbell bench press is to get yourself in the right position as soon as the barbell is a buggy chest pull your shoulders right back and then begin with the movement you want to make sure that you keep your shoulders retracted throughout the entire set so even if need to readjust halfway through at the top o...

8 Reasons Your Muscles Are NOT Growing (Science-Based)

M uscles it's definitely not easy to build especially after you're no longer a beginner so you might be working out hard and you're eating right but no matter how hard you try your muscles are still not growing this is a common problem faced by many guys that workout a lot but hardly experienced any results even if their workouts are already challenging and really it comes down to eight key reasons why you're trying so hard but not seeing much growth starting first with a very common training mistake and that's not training each muscle often enough a survey of 127 competitive male bodybuilders found that more than two-thirds of them trained each muscle group only once per week this is what's known as a bro split where you work pretty much one muscle per day and it allows you to really focus on that muscle and break it down for an incredible pump but is that optimal well the answer is no as shown by multiple studies specifically in one of these studies researcher...