Top 10 Muscle Building Tips for BEGINNERS

it's no secret that it takes time to build muscle but what if you can do it faster by working smarter rather than harder well that's exactly what I want to go over today the ten biggest and best muscle building tips for beginners and naturals and you might be thinking well who the heck are you to be giving me advice and tips on building muscle and that's a very fair question after all I spend most of the time on this channel talking about fat loss but my experience in Fitness is firmly rooted in natural bodybuilding I took myself from being a chubby teenager with hardly any muscle at all to a 230 pound fitness model and I did it all naturally so if you want to learn how to build muscle using steroids that are probably way better sources out there but if you want to learn how to do it naturally give this artile a chance because I spent over 10 years focusing on finding the fastest ways to build muscle and in the process of opening three gyms I also prepped a lot of men and w...